Top 20 Weight gain Tips a must, keep these things in mind 2020

Top 20 Weight gain Tips a must, keep these things in mind 2020

 Obesity can cause many health problems, so it is very important to maintain weight. But there are also many people who are worried not to lose weight but to increase it. If you are also one of such people, then know the tips to increase weight.

Nowadays, many people are sweating by going to the gym to lose weight and bring the body in shape. On the other hand, some people are working hard to gain weight. Body mass index (BMI) can determine whether a person's weight is balanced, overweight, or underweight. 

Good if your weight is balanced. If you are overweight then it should reduce. If you are underweight then the weight will have to be increased.

People under take several measures to increase their weight while underweight. But the question is, are their methods of weight gain safe? Actually, some ways of gaining weight can increase your weight, but if that method goes wrong then it will harm you. 

If adopted in the right way, it also helps in muscle gain along with weight gain which gives a full look to the body. So let's know what should be taken care of specifically to gain weight.


The more you eat, the more your weight increases. But this does not mean that you only eat junk and process food. It is important that you eat right and healthy. Eat more carbohydrates and protein. Fat should be eaten only as per need. You eat every 3 hours.

In simple language, you have to take about 500-700 calories more than the calories required to maintain weight. After the workout, you must eat Whey Protein or fast digesting protein food. Don't forget to take pre workout and post workout miles. To fix this, take help of dietition.

High calorie food 

To gain weight, you need to eat more calorie foods. With more calories, you will eat more calories than you need to maintain weight, this will help you gain weight. You do not necessarily have to eat fat food. Before calorie intake, calculate and after this, eat high calorie healthy food.

Such as: milk, natural peanut butter, nuts, grains, rice and olive oil etc. All these food products contain high amounts of calories and are also healthy. Therefore, intake of these helps in increasing weight. 


If you want to gain weight, you will need to gain muscles and exercise helps you in this. For this, you should do heavy strength training / weight training. Initially exercise with the advice of an expert.

This will not put too much load on your muscles and there will be no risk of injury. Do not lift heavy weight in the beginning, exercise with small weight. When your body is ready for heavy weight, then gradually start gaining weight. One must avoid making mistakes while lifting heavy weights in the gym.

Track progress

If you have been trying for a long time to gain weight, then you need to track it. This means that you can calculate the effect of the method you have adopted for Wetgen in 15 days. Keep an account of everything. You have to be cautious about what you ate in the past, when you ate, how much exercise, what you ate wrong or how many days you did not exercise.

This will help you plan for the time to come and you will be able to prepare your health report yourself. Will be able to decide what to add, what to subtract. This will help you gain weight quickly and easily.

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